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According to the latest figures from the World Bank, in 2016, we produced over 2 billion tonnes of solid waste globally – which breaks down to 0.74 kg per person per day. The World Bank estimates that, unless we take action, this figure will increase by 70% over the coming decades, reaching around 3.40 billion tonnes annually by 2050.
The environmental cost of our waste is well documented and is of increasing concern. Many companies are highlighting their efforts to cut waste and recycle more as part of their Corporate Social Responsibility policies. But there is another, more compelling reason why you need to streamline your organisation’s waste management process to be as effective as possible. Money.
A report published by the Global Waste Management Outlook and the International Solid Waste Association concluded that implementing policies to reduce, reuse and recycle waste will have financial benefits. In the report, the then United Nations Environment Programme’s Executive Director Achim Steiner said: “An urgent response to the world’s mounting waste problem is not only a public health and environmental necessity but also a sound economic investment. Inaction is costing countries 5-10 times more than investments in proper waste management. The global waste management goals proposed by this report have the potential to result in dramatic reductions in greenhouse gases, the creation of millions of green jobs and economic benefits in the hundreds of billions of dollars.”
Waste disposal prices
If you would like to save money by increasing the efficiency of your company’s waste management, it’s a good idea to begin by understanding the current costs involved – the direct costs as well as indirect ones.
Your company will be charged for regular bin collection, with fees being dependent on the size of your bin. If your organisation produces a lot of waste, you will also need to consider landfill tax which is currently £91.35 a tonne.
There are then the less obvious costs associated with waste disposal. Labour is a major cost in terms of the time it takes your staff to collect the waste and then dispose of it. If you are relying on your own staff to take the waste away, there will be the additional costs of transport, including fuel, tolls such as London’s congestion charge and parking fees (plus potential parking fines).
If your company is creating a lot of waste, you may also be spending a lot of money on materials you end up discarding. So by streamlining your processes to make them more efficient, you will also save money by not buying unnecessary supplies that you then have to dispose of.
Compactors and balers can help to separate and compress waste to make it easier to store so you can save money by making fewer trips to dispose of it. They also enable you to collect recyclable materials which you may even be able to sell on. Contact us for more information.