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The importance of efficient waste management for UK businesses

Businesses in the UK may vary significantly in what they do, from hotels and restaurants to retail, insurance and construction but the key element they all have in common is the importance of efficient waste management. However large or small your business the bottom line is we all generate waste and as such have a UK-wide, if not global responsibility to ensure efficient waste management if we are going to curb the impact waste has on the environment.

The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, along with The Department of Energy and Climate Change lay out in their 2010-2015 report the growing importance of delivering a sustainable economy that simultaneously reduces our environmental impact. The importance of efficient waste management for UK businesses is a key part of this.

Effectively, the key pillars of efficient waste management begin with reducing the materials you start with, so there is less opportunity for waste:

1)      Reduce

2)      Reuse

3)      Recycle

4)      Disposal

So what are the benefits of efficient waste management for UK businesses?

  • Environmental – recycling business waste effectively means less waste for landfill is generated and overall less harm to the environment. Environmental benefits can also be made through the reduction in carbon emissions from material extraction and waste produced. In addition in the longer term it reduces the demand for raw materials if waste is efficiently recycled into materials which can be reused.
  • Reduced costs – managing and disposing of waste can be a costly exercise. Reducing the volume of waste you send to landfill can bring significant savings on landfill tax to your business. Landfill tax applies to all waste: disposed of by way of landfill at a licensed landfill site on or after 1 October 1996 unless the waste is specifically exempt. You can find out more about landfill tax on the UK Government’s website.
  • Meeting legal obligations – many businesses and industries have a legal obligation to dispose of waste. Ensuring compliance through recycling schemes can ensure avoiding any unnecessary penalties or fines.

Are you looking for an efficient waste management solution for your business? Get in touch with us either by completing our quick contact form or giving the team a call on 01708 550641.

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